Academic Year 2024-2025
Class Schedule
Studio A 4:00-5:00 Level 2-MA 5:00-6:15 Level 3-EA 6:15-7:00 Pointe 1/2-EA 7:00-8:15 Level 5/6-JDB 8:15-8:45 Pointe 3-CR TUESDAY Studio A 4:00-5:00 Level 1A-HBN 5:00-6:15 Level 5/6-HBN 6:15-7:15 Leaps and Turns-HBN 7:15-8:15 Pilates-JDB WEDNESDAY Studio A 4:00-5:00 Level 1B-SP 5:00-6:00 Contemporary/Modern 3-SP 6:00-7:15 Level 3-MA 7:15-8:15 Adult Ballet 2-MA THURSDAY Studio A 4:00-4:45 Jazz 2 (Ages 10-14)-MB 4:45-5:45 Jazz 3/4-CR 5:45-7:00 Level 4/5-AT 7:00-8:15 Partnering-MN FRIDAY Studio A 4:15-5:15 Tap (ages 13+)-JH 5:15-6:15 Tap (ages 9-12)-JH SATURDAY Studio A 10:30-11:15 Tap/Jazz (ages 6-8)-JH 11:15-12:15 Adult Tap-JH Instructors MB-Marie Barnett MA-Michele Antonioli JDB-Jordan Dehline Burt CR-Colleen Rosbarsky TM-Tara McFarland JH-Jeanine Hedstrom HBN-Haley Budge Nord EA-Elizabeth Arrigali KG-Keiana Griggs AT-Ava Tooke SP-Sophie Petersen MN-Mark Nelson HD-Hannah Dusek |
Studio B 4:15-5:00 Primary A-MB 5:00-6:15 Level 4-MB 6:15-7:00 Intro to Pointe-MB 7:00-8:15 Level 7-CR 8:15-8:45 Pointe 4-JDB TUESDAY Studio B 3:45-4:15 Pre-Ballet-AT 4:15-5:00 Primary B-AT 5:00-6:15 Level 7-MA 6:15-7:15 Modern 2-JDB 7:15-8:15 Adult Beginning and Pre-pointe-TM WEDNESDAY Studio B 10:30-11:00 Pre-Ballet-JH 4:00-5:00 Level 2-MB 5:15-6:00 Hip Hop (Ages 9-12)-KG 6:00-7:00 Hip Hop Int/Adv-KG 7:00-8:15 Contemporary/Modern 4-HD THURSDAY Studio B 4:15-4:45 Pre-ballet-AT 4:45-5:30 Primary C-AT 5:45-7:00 Level 6/7-MB 7:00-8:15 Adult Ballet 3-MB FRIDAY Studio B 4:00-4:30 Pre-Ballet 4:30-5:15 Acro/Tumbling (9-12)-KG 5:15-6:15 Acro/Tumbling (13+)-KG 6:15-7:15 Hip-Hop (11-14)-KG SATURDAY Studio B 9:15-10:15 Adult Ballet 3-MA 10:15-11:15 Adult Ballet 1-MA |
Class Placement
At the foundation of each level is a specific syllabus containing a set of skills that are developmentally appropriate for each group. When deciding on level placements, all instructors carefully consider all aspects of technique including turnout, hip placement, strength, core stability, foot and ankle articulation, use of arms and head, flexibility, as well as musicality, ability to pick up combinations and apply corrections, and maturity. The basics must be mastered first in order to have a strong foundation to be able to execute more complex steps properly and without injury. The prevention of injury is a critical factor in level placement. As dancers develop physically and mentally at different rates, sometimes there are dancers of several different ages in one level. It is not uncommon for students to spend two or three years in one level. Ballet training has much repetition and sometimes new steps are not introduced until previous steps are mastered. The challenge is in consistently working towards better technique and artistry. Level placement is at the discretion of the instructors.
CLASS Descriptions
Children’s Ballet (ages 3-8)
These classes are designed to encourage a joy of dancing. We make dance fun, while encouraging age appropriate creativity, musicality, and physical skills. Students will use creative movement and basic ballet skills to gain foundations in classical ballet.
Pre-Ballet: Children must be at least age 3 by September 1, 2024.
Primary A: Children must be age 5 by September 1, 2024.
Primary B: Children must be age 6 by September 1, 2024.
Primary C: Children must be age 7 by September 1, 2024.
Academy Ballet (ages 8+)
These classes focus on the fundamentals of technique, increasingly complex ballet vocabulary, and artistry. Placement in
Levels 1-7 and Pointe classes is by permission only. Levels 2-5 must commit to attending ballet twice per week. Levels 6-7 must commit to attending ballet three times per week or more.
Jazz (ages 8+)
These classes emphasize proper jazz dance technique, strength, and flexibility. Beginning Jazz is for students ages 8+. Enrollment in Intermediate and Advanced Jazz are by instructor permission.
Modern (ages 9+)
Emphasis is on proper modern technique, contemporary choreography, and improvisation. Beginning Modern is designed for students ages 10+. Enrollment in Intermediate and Advanced Modern are by instructor permission.
Leaps and Turns (Ballet Levels 5-7)
This class will include a basic jazz style warm up which will include both core strength and flexibility work. Focus will be placed on learning and mastering various leaps and turns while maintaining clean technique and alignment.
These classes are designed to encourage a joy of dancing. We make dance fun, while encouraging age appropriate creativity, musicality, and physical skills. Students will use creative movement and basic ballet skills to gain foundations in classical ballet.
Pre-Ballet: Children must be at least age 3 by September 1, 2024.
Primary A: Children must be age 5 by September 1, 2024.
Primary B: Children must be age 6 by September 1, 2024.
Primary C: Children must be age 7 by September 1, 2024.
Academy Ballet (ages 8+)
These classes focus on the fundamentals of technique, increasingly complex ballet vocabulary, and artistry. Placement in
Levels 1-7 and Pointe classes is by permission only. Levels 2-5 must commit to attending ballet twice per week. Levels 6-7 must commit to attending ballet three times per week or more.
Jazz (ages 8+)
These classes emphasize proper jazz dance technique, strength, and flexibility. Beginning Jazz is for students ages 8+. Enrollment in Intermediate and Advanced Jazz are by instructor permission.
Modern (ages 9+)
Emphasis is on proper modern technique, contemporary choreography, and improvisation. Beginning Modern is designed for students ages 10+. Enrollment in Intermediate and Advanced Modern are by instructor permission.
Leaps and Turns (Ballet Levels 5-7)
This class will include a basic jazz style warm up which will include both core strength and flexibility work. Focus will be placed on learning and mastering various leaps and turns while maintaining clean technique and alignment.